Review: Wacom Cintiq 22HD 1

Review: Wacom Cintiq 22HD

A very large tablet as an extension of your computer (desktop or laptop) or replacement of your mouse with extensive options. That is the Cintiq 22HD. Equipped with a clear screen where your hand lies comfortably. If you like to work with a tablet and illustrate a lot digitally, then the Cintiq 22HD is a must have.


When you order / pick up the Cintiq 22HD you get a decent box. The box immediately reveals that you need a decent desk to unpack, place and use the Cintiq. After opening it turns out to be mainly a lot of protective material, nevertheless a spacious workplace is recommended. The packaging contains the standard for the screen / tablet, the screen / tablet itself and a considerable number of connecting cables and the necessary installation and description materials.

Start up

Assembly is a simple job, the connection itself is also quite obvious. If you want to connect the Cintiq to a Mac, you will have to purchase a special mini DVI / VGA adapter separately. That is a minus on a device of this order. You would expect something like that to be included by default. Especially considering the fact that the number of Mac users continues to rise, especially in the graphics sector where the Cintiq is specifically used.

Commissioning software is not as obvious as the instruction suggests. To find out how to fine-tune my iMac and Cintiq through the system preferences, I had to study Wacom’s instructional video on YouTube (not referred to in the instruction). But once you have set the preferences in basic, the steering works very smoothly and the settings work well with you. If you’re used to a regular Wacom tablet, it runs fairly smoothly and you get excited about the extras that the Cintiq 22HD brings in terms of control and software.

Many functions

In addition to the drawing area, which ultimately replaces the screen, the Cintiq provides a number of buttons on the front and back of the tablet. If you set all these per program, you hardly need to use a key combination. You can use your pen for what it is: design, creation and illustration. The keys can be set for frequently used functions per program (and therefore also the operating system). This takes some time and you need to know very well which one you use often per program. On the other hand, it can also be a bit confusing because one and the same button can have a different function in different software. The functionality itself is very useful and intuitive if you are used to it. Because we increasingly work with touchscreens, you do tend to do so on the Cintiq. That’s because it feels like a large touchscreen. You can switch between using the Cintiq or your regular screen with one click from the 22HD. This requires a large workspace so that you can set aside the large surface of the Cintiq and use your keyboard. Because the latter becomes unnecessary with the keys that you can set on the Cintiq, until you want to browse, type or anything else where you need your keyboard. Then you can put the Cintiq a lot higher instead of almost flat on your work surface. But for frequent use of your keyboard, it is still better to use your regular screen. This requires a large workspace so that you can set aside the large surface of the Cintiq and use your keyboard. Because the latter becomes unnecessary with the keys that you can set on the Cintiq, until you want to browse, type or anything else where you need your keyboard. Then you can put the Cintiq a lot higher instead of almost flat on your work surface. But for frequent use of your keyboard, it is still better to use your regular screen. This requires a large workspace so that you can set aside the large surface of the Cintiq and use your keyboard. Because the latter becomes unnecessary with the keys that you can set on the Cintiq, until you want to browse, type or anything else where you need your keyboard. Then you can put the Cintiq a lot higher instead of almost flat on your work surface. But for frequent use of your keyboard, it is still better to use your regular screen. Then you can put the Cintiq a lot higher instead of almost flat on your work surface. But for frequent use of your keyboard, it is still better to use your regular screen. Then you can put the Cintiq a lot higher instead of almost flat on your work surface. But for frequent use of your keyboard, it is still better to use your regular screen.



If you are a true illustrator, I think the Cintiq 22HD is a very nice device. The eye-hand coordination that you have with a drawing tablet is stimulated much more with the Cintiq. Only now you no longer draw blindly, but you immediately see what your stroke is doing. The great thing is that (just like with the regular tablets) the pen pressure can also be set very faithfully. As a result, you get a very one on one result based on what you do. It helps that the Cintiq’s screen is very soft. It does not feel like hard plastic, but as a soft surface that your hand does not resist when using it. The screen also does not get warm and is not sensitive to fat. All aspects that make the Cintiq very attractive in terms of use.



In itself, if you are an illustrator who works a lot digitally and digitizes work completely, I can imagine that you would replace a standard Wacom tablet for the Cintiq. If you (like me) do graphic design / dtp I wonder if it makes your job easier. If you do not have to change a lot of software or functionality, it is an ideal device, but you need a good assignment to get the recommended retail price of 2500 euros. But you can also save time by using the natural way of working.

You can buy the Wacom Cintiq 22HD, if you still have money, at:

This review was written by Sabine Sabelis. Likes to shape graphic and any area. Enjoy the little things and don’t suppress fun, spontaneity above all else.

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